I love this! I feel like there is a lot going on in the background that I ought to be aware of - might become aware of if I read through again, then perhaps again - but that's fine.

I also really love the King Arthur line.

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One of the things I was interested in here was how the quotes could build a mood alongside the plot. I was also getting out a lot of stress around books and writing at the same time as telling a story. But I do like the fact that there is a huge space here for interpretation.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by James Burt

I thought it was very clever and loved this - it made me laugh out loud:

"21. The English are a race of hoarders. Our museums are filled with other country's trash and treasure. We even horde our heroes, King Arthur waiting asleep, in case he comes in useful. That's what the English are like."

I've heard so many oral stories about stashed away kings, or kings heads, waiting under hills to be awakened when needed. Britain is full of them - and where were they over the last 14 years when we needed them?

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The phrase "cargo cult" is very triggering. Otherwise I like the experiment - but I see why a book wouldn't work.

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From our discussions abot this, I think we're both aligned on our dislike of the term "cargo cult". I kept the line on revisiting this piece as I like how strange it sounds - and for its echoes of the way JG Ballard would talk about cargo cults. But there is a lot more to say about (so-called) cargo cults than this piece can sustain.

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