Jul 26Liked by James Burt

Fuck the analytics. And that's coming from a digital marketer. Please keep writing for yourself and please don't stop these mailings. Your short whateveryoucallems are the bestest, freshest and often the most unsettling thing I've read in years. And that's coming from a horror fan.

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Thank you for that - what a lovely comment! I'm glad these are unsettling.

What horror recommendations do you have? Anything that I might be missing out on?

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Aug 3Liked by James Burt

Actually not seen anything new for a while. Last good thing I saw was Chambres Rouges, canadian film. Doesn't fit into the horror category that nearly but definitely some disturbing moments. Other than that I loved Midsommar and Hereditary but they're probably old news now.

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They're showing Midsomar at my local cinema at the end of the month, and I'm super-excited about seeing it again. They showed Longlegs last weekend, which was amazing.

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Jul 25Liked by James Burt

Thanks for resisting the urge to grow according to analytics... I think the received wisdom of trying to get as much reach and exposure as possible for your 'product' is really unhealthy, possibly even a gateway to evil, in the way it hooks a hungry ghost into some fundamental needs, and it massively diminishes the quality of connection these platforms can facilitate. It is good to see it challenged: the value of these gifts you are sharing with the world is infinite and subtle. Please keep it up! X

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Thank you! And that phrase 'hungry ghosts' reminds me of Kafka talking about the spirits intercepting the kisses from his letters. So much of what's wrong with the web seems to come from people trying to boost numbers.

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Glad you've kept it going! Long may you do so 🙏

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I'm amazed it's kept going as long as it has, but I'm definitely going to keep at it as long as I can!

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